This ultimate healing environment is a place of surrender….
Our horses live in the most natural environment and are allowed to experience what it is like to “be a horse”. While we cautiously supervise, we do not limit the horse’s natural and deep desire to be rooted in a herd environment. This component alone is astonishing in how it restores healthy behavior! Horses deeply relax within a few days, feel safe and even the most aggressive behavior begins to disappear.
A horse’s stay at our facility can vary from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the emotional and physical condition the horse arrives in.
At the time of “graduation”, the horse has learned to trust humans, has built confidence and has developed skills and a solid training platform to build on.
From this starting point, human and horse are now relating to each other based on positive intention and a deeper understanding. The horse then has a much better chance at a new life and a safe future.
Our goal is to assist other equine rescue organizations by supporting their efforts, increasing their efficiency and ensuring long term adoption success to horses in need.
All donations are tax deductible
Each horse in need requires a certain level of financial support to complete our program. This covers training, veterinary/dental care, proper hoof care and any physical therapy that is indicated.
You can sponsor as many horses as you wish…
Regular updates and photos of “your horse’s” progress are shared with you. When possible, we encourage limited visits for our sponsors throughout the horse’s process.
For more detailed sponsor information please CONTACT US
This project is dedicated to Phoenix whose life was dominated by fear and severe abuse. When he came to Silent Voices he had been beaten into partial blindness and was deeply injured on many levels. He had been living under horrific circumstances and his fear based behavior was extremely dangerous. After several months of rehabilitation and healing, Phoenix was placed in a retirement sanctuary where his exposure to humans remains minimized to his basic care.
Phoenix Rising …
What is a “rescue horse”?
A rescue horse is an unwanted horse facing an uncertain future at best.
Over the past decade Silent Voices Rescue has gained a high level of expertise and support. Based on our broad experience, it became clear that the number of horses in need can only be reduced if a service is provided to offer a solid rehabilitation to them. By changing the horse’s behavior through our naturally based training methods to provide necessary skills, his chances of a better life become possible.
Horse rescue efforts across the country are overwhelmed!
By the time rescue horses have been restored to physical health, there isn’t much funding left to provide the very important training part.
We assist reputable horse rescue organizations to close the gap between rescue and successful adoption.